
Sunday, January 12, 2020


We will consider three groups of phobias
1) Agoraphobia
2) Specific Phobias
3) Social Phobia

The term Agoraphobia is from the Greek for "fear of the marketplace." People with Agoraphobia fear crowded, bustling place, such as the marketplace or, in our times, the shopping mall. They also fear enclosed spaces, such as buses, subways, or elevators. Finally, they fear wide open spaces, such as open fields, particularly if they are alone. In general, people with Agoraphobia fear any places where they might have trouble escaping or getting help in an emergency. The emergency that they often fear is a panic attack.

Specific Phobias
The Specific Phobias conform more to popular more conceptions of phobia. Most specific phobias fall into one of four categories, however animal type, natural environment type, situational type, and blood-injection-injury type. When people with these phobias encounter their feared there objects or situations, their anxiety is immediate and intense, and they may even have full panic attacks.

Social Phobia
Social Phobia is not categorized as a specific phobia because, rather than fearing a specific object or situation, people with social phobia fear being judged or embarrassing themselves in front of other people. Social phobia also differs from the specific phobias in that it is more likely to create severe disruption in a person's daily life. Many people get a little nervous when they are speaking in front of a group of people or must joint a group of people already engaged in conversation

If any question of phobia related send me on comment

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